
My Curriculum Vitae can be downloaded here (我的履历可以在这里下载).

Portrait (credit: Rosalind Liang)
Source (来源): Rosalind Liang (梁露文)

My Roots (根本)

Welcome to any visitors who have chanced upon my website! My name is Lee Jiang, and I am a Ph.D. student of the Linguistics department at the University of Toronto. I was born in Shanghai, China at the turn of the third millennium, but have lived in the Greater Toronto Area since I was five years old. My experiences as a member of the diaspora, as someone who is Chinese in some ways yet also Canadian in others, have deeply informed my research strengths and interests. That is, given a world on which Asia is becoming an increasingly prominent feature, my marginality has led me to seek mastery in confronting questions regarding power and inequality between North and South, or Occident and Orient. May all who have seen this paragraph be my comrades or critics—both necessary roles—in these vital endeavours!

欢迎来到我的网页!我的名字是蒋立。在读多伦多大学语言博士。 2000年,我出生在中国上海,五岁的时候移民到了加拿大多伦多。一瞬间,成为了华人和加拿大人。在加拿大华人社会 的经验,决定了我的研究命运。也可以这样讲:在世界的经济,政治,和文化方面,亚洲的地位会越来越突显。作为加拿大亚裔的我,可以贡献什么? 边缘地位让我更热情地思考在东西两方,世界南北之间,语言和权力,以及语言与不平等之间的关系。希望每一个读过这一篇文章的你们,可以成为和我志同道合的同路人,或评论家!

West Lake, Hangzhou
West Lake, Hangzhou (西湖,杭州)

My Research Interests (研究范围)

As explained above, the questions which I wish to answer are principally related to language and power, specifically in language and race. For example, my current research project is on how international students experience linguistic racism. Thus, my primary field of research is qualitative sociolinguistics, in which my preferred theoretical framework is critical discourse analysis, especially the dialectical- relational approach. However, since my Bachelor's and Master's degrees were both also received at UofT, I have a secondary research interest in quantitative sociolinguistics, specifically in the variationist school, with a qualitative-quantitative overlap in third-wave variationist concepts such as indexicality. Finally, my tertiary research interests are in historical linguistics—which is how I became interested in the field in high school—and language revitalisation, owing to my linguistic background as a heritage speaker of Wu Chinese. However, my purpose in these fields is to use social-scientific concepts such as language ideologies surrounding change and purism to supplement the more common linguistic structure-oriented research projects.

我想回答的问题都是关于语言和权力,特别是跟语言和种族有关。比如我现在的研究项目是关于国际留学生在西方受到的跟语言有关的歧视。我第一个研究范围是质性社会语言学,而我 最优秀的批判论述分析(特别是辩证-关联分析法)。但是因为我的本科和硕士也是在多伦多大学读的,我也会在定量社会语言学范围里做研究,特别用在多伦多大学非常闻名的变意社会语言研究。 也有用质性定量共同范围的研究,像用索引符号等概念的第三派变意方法。我还熟悉历史语言学(因为是我最早在高中意识到的研究范围)和语言复兴学两个研究范围(因为我的遗产话是吴语), 但是我对这两个研究范围的兴趣更偏于用已经熟悉的社会研究概念(比如关于变意,纯粹等的语言意识形态)来补充更广泛的语言结构研究。

Mogao Caverns, Dunhuang
Mogao Caverns, Dunhuang (莫高窟,敦煌)

My Other Skills (别的技术)

I have used R in quantitative sociolinguistics and Python for work on corpora. I made this website from scratch with HTML on the FOSS hosting provider Codeberg. Finally, I speak a wide variety of languages:

在我的定量社会语言学的研究里,使用过R。在我的语料库语言学研究里,使用过Python。 建设网页用了HTML,托管服务是Codeberg因为体会到了自由开源软件的重要。我也会讲多种语言:

  1. Wu Chinese: Heritage (吴语:遗产话)
  2. Mandarin Chinese: L1 (普通话:母语)
  3. English: L1 (英语:母语)
  4. French: High (法语:高级)
  5. German: Medium (徳语:中级)
  6. Occitan: Medium (奥克语:中级)
  7. Classical Latin: Low (古典拉丁语:低级)
  8. Modern Greek: Low (现代希腊语:低级)

My Personal Interests (个人爱好)

When I am not doing research, I like to read and write, with poetry being my favourite literary form. I also like to listen to and sing choral or folk music in the tenor range, with a related pursuit being the translation of texts to preserve their metre. Another hobby of mine is creating alternate history scenarios, of which currently I have five. Finally, my favourite pastime is playing role-playing video games.


Contact Information (联系信息)

lee DOT(点) jiang AT(花a/圈a) mail DOT(点) utoronto DOT(点) ca

Huaqing, Xi'an
Huaqing Pool, Xi'an (华清池,西安)

"Endlessly the autumn wind murmurs, yet humanity has changed!"